Ok, so on Sundays, we want to set it apart from every other day of the week. One of the ways that we do that is we refrain from what we call "screen time," that is we don't sit in front of a screen to entertain ourselves. Basic rules: No TV, no computer games, no playstation, no DS. We try to encourage the boys to find something to do to play together. Usually that means board games, building with legos or lincoln logs, and sometimes that means building tents. So I really didn't think about it when they started carrying cushions downstairs. After a few minutes, they came up and told me about their new game, "Avalanche." They bury a brother inside a mountain of blankets, pillows, and cushions. Then the buried brother triggers the avalanche to fall on the next boy to walk by the mountain. I obviously didn't move fast enough to go look at their mountain (I suspect they were looking for an innocent avalanche victim), so they took pictures.
Got to love the creativity of our boys.
Looks like tradition of tents...or other crazy stuff lives on! I remember one tent that covered the whole living room...oh the joys!!!
Ahh... I remember Kim Hales and I would gather all of the pillows and cushions around the house and stack them on the big orange couch just like your boys. Although we would not knock it down, we would make popcorn and orange julius and watch movies on our tower. Oh to be a kid again! BTW, did you see Kelly's blog, I'm so impressed!
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