Monday, March 2, 2009

Jordan's stitches

Be careful of what you say...
Just a few weeks ago I was talking to someone about their daughter getting stitches, and I made the casual comment, "We haven't had to do stitches - yea!" I should have knocked on wood.
Jordan went to the winter camp with the scouts and at about 8:30 pm Friday night Aaron calls me and says something like, "Now, it's really not serious, but could you find me the nearest Urgent Care center to the camp?"
"Well, Jordan was working on his wood carving merit badge..." Do I really need to go on?
So now he has a sweet little finger splint and a few stitches. On the plus side, he ended up going back to camp that night and finishing the wood carving badge the next day, as well as his fingerprinting badge. (They let him get it even though he was only able to take impressions of 9 fingers.) And he came home with a great story of his first winter campout!


Jeni said...

You are KIDDING me. What is going ON around here? We should open up an urgent care facility right here in the neighborhood. I hope he gets all the way better soon!

Julie Sacks said...

I hate those kind of phone calls. Life just keeps handing out challenges....Mom from Julie's