Oh my, what's going on here? When do these boys find the time to grow up?
Saturday was Caeden's birthday. We love the little man - and although his teasing is paramount to his life, our family wouldn't be the same without him. He is

our "vocally expressive" child - in fact, his dad used to call him the "Scarlet Demon" when he was a newborn! He would put his whole body into his cry and turn a deep scarlet color as he expressed his displeasure. It's a trait that still continues today. But he loves and squeezes and is always so eager to be a helper. He loves back scratches and hugs and to be told that he is, and always will be, "My most favorite Caeden in the whole world!"

Meeting Caeden

My 4 boys (in 2002)

At FairyTale Land, age 1 (and, no, this is NOT Levi.)

Caeden showed a passion for candy at a very early age! He is absolutely his mother's son.

Caeden loved this bear (he named him Rhett - we don't know why!)

Caeden has always been a fan of soft squishy things, especially dinosaurs!

Checking out dino bones at the museum is great fun for Caeden!

Caeden goes to great lengths to keep up with his brothers and friends!

So, here's to you, Caeden! Know that we love you dearly and we're so glad you're part of our family!
1 comment:
Caeden,growing up to be a man! He is so handsome!
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