I hope everyone had a great weekend! We had a few learning experiences ourselves~
First, Jacob learned that we don't put gum in hair! Additionally, we learned that peanut butter really does get gum out of hair.
Secondly, we learned that we don't lick the blades of a food processor, no matter how yummy the mixture seems. Again, we learned an additional lesson that even though tounges can bleed a lot, they heal rather quickly.
Thirdly, Levi is learning that he gets a better view from a standing position. His crawling is now limited to getting himself to a place where he can pull himself up.
And if the view from standing is good, how great must the view from the stairs be!
Hey Christie,
I love the pictures. Levi will be walking soon! Who learned the lesson about the bleeding tongue?
I purposely didn't put the name of who licked the blades to the food processor. Let's just say that she's old enough to know better...
Yes, we figured out the gum thing long ago. I was equally surprised at how easy it came out with peanut butter! That's so funny that YOU licked the food processor! Those things are sharp! As I'm sure you now know. He!
Why didn't I guess! You take after your dear sweet Mom!
Silly Christie, blades are not meant for the mouth. Levi is so cute! I wish Cohen would start crawling, I am sick of hearing him whine because he can't reach a toy or something. I guess I should cherish these times, right?!
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