Before we left Bear Lake, we traveled up St. Charles Canyon (northwest of Bear Lake) to visit the Minnetonka Caves. It was fun to go through the caves - even if we did have to traverse something like 780 stairs (I'm not exaggerating!) I considered it my workout for the day...
We bought the boys head lamps for the camping trip (it's easier to find the bathroom and "do your business" in the middle of the night if your hands are free...don't ask, I guess it's a boy thing) and when they heard they were going to some caves they all decided they needed to wear them. My boys make me smile. Here's Caeden with his head lamp:
Zach thought this formation was pretty cool. (I think it's called the 3 sisters, but don't quote me on it!)
Here's Jordan. The caves were cool (about 40 degrees), but all the stair climbing kept me warm. Jordan, however, got a little cool. But it was all fun, none the less!
Here are my young explorers:
After the cave trip we headed on home to unpack, wash, pack back up, and head to Nauvoo, Illinios for our Rigtrup family reunion. More on the reunion later!
I want to come....always having fun!
In the last picture, Caeden looks like he is about to knock some one out! Utah really does have SO much to do!
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