OK, when did this happen??? He's not supposed to grow up this fast! Last week, my little boy turned 12. Do you realize I only have 6, maybe 7 years left of him being home??? I thought, this is not that big of a deal. Another birthday, another pokemon cake... But as he graduated from Primary, and received the Priesthood, I realized that he's really growing up. dude, where does the time go...?

age 5

starting 1st grade

Baptism day with his dad

With his buddy, Alexander (2007)

Hiking the "Y"

first day of 6th grade!

So here's to Jordan, my first little man... Blow out those candles and wish that these next (too-few) years are as great as the last 12 have been! Oh, how we love you!
Is someone trying to force him to blow?!!?!?! Don't fret - middle school age is tough, but I actually love having teenagers!
Jordan...when did you grow so big?
I love the birthday story!!!
Honestly, I feel the same way and my little guy is not even 2 yet! Even Jace is growing out of that new born stage too quickly. And with me turning 27, it is just all coming at me too fast. I hate birthdays, it just means I am that much closer to the dreaded 30's. I like the 20s, it just sounds better right?! I loved the pics of Jordan, he is just getting too big!
Where does the time go, indeed. I can't believe we only have one more year of high school for Max. Less than 2 years for his mission. No. Two years doesn't sound like a long time to me. Cute kids Christie!
Enjoy every moment! It goes way too fast!
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