Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Apron

Last week I got a call to see if I could go into Zachary's classroom the next day and help the kids decorate an apron for their teacher for teacher appreciation week. Surely I can come up with something, I thought... Problem is, I'm just not a creative kind of a chick. I thought I could have them put handprints on it. But there wasn't enough room for 30 handprints, and it would have been oh so very messy. So then I thought, they could just sign their names. But where's the creativity in that? Remember, this is Utah, the mecca for creative women. The pressure is intense! I only had 25 minutes and really didn't want to make a mess. Finally, an idea: I could have the kids do thumbprint insects. You know, where you stick your thumb in ink, press it onto the fabric, and then draw the eyes/wings/legs/etc. I found a few instructions online, then had the kids do butterflies, ladybugs, spiders, caterpillars, frogs, bumblebees, and even had 2 dinosaurs and a mutant (there are a few free-thinking creative kids in the class!) It took a little longer to do it than I thought, but we finished before the bell rang. Here's the finished project:

Not too bad, and I think she liked it. Zachary said that she wore it all day yesterday!


Coleen said...

Turned out way cute! I think you are very creative!!!

Tricia said...

What a cute idea!! I wish our school would do something like that. Instead we have:
Monday - Bring a flower for your teacher
Tuesday - Bring a gift card
Wed. - Each grade level brought a different snack item
Thurs. - bring a luxery item your teacher would enjoy
Friday - write a note
How creative is that??? Love the apron. That teacher can look at that and cherish those sweeet fingers for years to come!