Thursday, April 23, 2009

Something to think about

I came across this quote last week. Maybe it's something I need to consider a little more often:

"My sink of dirty dishes means we have plenty of food. This pile of dirty laundry? Nice clothes. Those unmade beds sure were warm and comfortable last night. This finger smudged refrigerator that needs defrosting so badly? Enough leftovers for several meals. Even that slamming screen door means my kids are healthy, able to run and play. Chores? I do 'em gratefully."


Tricia said...

One to add to the list: When I'm trying to figure out what to make for dinner I try not to complain but instead be thankful because I have so much to choose from. It's so hard to be grateful sometimes!!

Coleen said...

A good thought! Guess I should be gratefulfor the house I have to clean today...toilets included!