Friday, December 12, 2008

Heartbreaker in our neighborhood...

We have a beautiful baby in our neighborhood (ok, they're all beautiful!), who is being taken away from his family on Sunday. Our neighbors, the Larson family, have been working on adopting a sweet young boy. He was born here in Utah, matched through an adoption agency, and the mother signed all necessary papers for the adoption to go through. But the native american tribe from the birth mother's state (minnesota) have discovered that this baby has a small bit of indian blood in him (he's 3/16ths indian, which is less than the 1/4 required by the tribal constitution for them to have any say where he goes, but because enrollment is "low," they still feel they have the right to him), and they are coming to take him away at 6 pm Sunday evening. No judge will rule against the tribe, because the tribe is a "soveriegn nation" so no one will claim jurisdiction, and our judicial system is letting this happen. We are heartbroken, for this beautiful child will be stuck in the foster system on the reservation. We are trying to get the word out as much as possible, grasping at straws, and hoping to show support for this loving family. If you can come and support this family on Sunday night, please come and join us at their home. The Larson's address is 3376 W Bear River Rd. Thank you so much for any support you can give and please continue to pray for a miracle to allow Talon to stay with his 'Real' mom and dad, Heather and Clint. If you'd like to have a little better perspective on what their family has gone through, please take a look at their blog

1 comment:

Tricia said...

This story just broke my heart. I can only imagine what this poor family is going through. I pray that this family is once again reunited with their precious baby boy.