Labor Day weekend was going to be a camping trip up to Bear Lake, but when we found out that there were Sunday conflicts that we needed to be back for, and plus there was a forcast that included rain (and SNOW at the higher elevations!!), we decided we would make it our "Weekend O' Fun" at home. We started off by doing a barbecue with the Wilkins family (the family with whom we would have been camping) - Actually, Aaron and the boys barbecued with Dave and their kids while Kristie Wilkins and I went to Swiss Days, the mecca for mormon women. There had to be at least 200 craft booths! So much fun to just get out and look around and get some ideas of things I want to do for our home. I bought one thing - a 16" tile that has a great family mission statement. It says:
In this home
in living deeply, laughing often,
and loving always.
we were brought together
to support and care for each other.
in celebrating together...
our faith, our heritage, our traditions.
that everyone's feelings count, and that
the uniqueness of each strengthens all of us.
in the power of forgiveness to heal
and the power of love to carry us through.
in one another; In this family;
I know we're not perfect, but this is the kind of home that I want my boys to live in - where we love each other, celebrate each other, and believe in each other.
I want to go to Swiss Days. I would love to have gone with you. Those teeth!!!! WOW! What a sweet boy!
I love your plaque! I'm going to have to do something with that quote. I feel the same as you. That's the way I want my children to feel about our home also. Sounds like a great weekend! :)
Christie! Glad I got your blog name today, it is so darling! Bowling was fun with Zack too, he is pretty good! I'm sure with my 5 boys and your six boys our blogs will have some pretty comparible stories. (ignore my rant from today though, it is a little over the top). (willgang.com) See you Sunday, Jeni williams
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