The day after Levi's birthday, we headed out to Goblin Valley with our friends, the Wilkins family. Goblin Valley is a state park in Southern Utah where the erosion process created tons of goblin shaped rocks. It is like a giant playground for

kids, and our boys love to climb and play and discover. We even found a cave! It is a fun place to run through, and we love spending time together as a family with nothing else to distract us. Not only did we play at Goblin Valley, we also went exploring through some slot canyons at the nearby Wild Horse Canyon. That's where the picture on our header was taken. Camping isn't so hard with the boys. They're finally getting old enough to help put up and take down the campsite, and we had a

separate tent for the boys, so there was plenty of room. Our only downside is that Aaron's and my air mattress sprung a leak, so on the second night, Aaron went in to sleep with the boys on a mattress that didn't leak. I stayed on the leaky mattress, which really wasn't too bad with just one person on it. (We laughed pretty hard when we were both on it, rolling uncontrollably into each other.) All in all, it was a fun trip, and it only took a week for my sunburn on the back of my legs to go away...

Levi loves his backpack ride!