Hello, again! It's been a while since I've updated about our family, so here it goes. We've been sick, and so we've done nothing except hang out around the house and contaminate each other. Levi and I have had it twice, Zachary has an earache today, and Jordan, Caeden, and I have all been nauseaous the past few days. Ugh. Jacob ran a fever for a few days and was a little lethargic, but I think he's doing alright now. Levi would just be crawling around and then stop and lie down on the carpet and rest for a while. (That's what he is doing in the picture above.) The only one who has escaped unscathed is Aaron. I don't know how he does that. We all get it (some of us get it twice), and Aaron walks. This all started about 3 weeks ago, and we're all hoping that it's all gone by the 28th, which is when we leave town for out SoCal vacation! I'm scheduling the carpet to be cleaned next week right before we leave, then the house can dry and air out while we're gone.
One fun thing that has happened since the boys have been off-track (they "tracked-off" on March 3rd, and will go back after spring break on March 25th) is that Jordan and Zachary did snowboarding lessons for a few days up at Snowbird. I figured that since they live in Utah, they need to know how to ski and board! We gave each of them a disposable camera, so when I get that developed I'll post some pictures.

Another fun thing was Caeden's birthday! He turned 6 on March 7th - he's getting so big! We really didn't do anything great big, but celebrated as a family. He wanted a "Pikachu" cake (a Pokemon thing), so I figured out how to make one with one rectangular cake and one round one. Here's how it turned out:

I don't think it looks half bad, for not having a template or pokemon shaped pan!
We also worked on a project for a family member, but since that family member hasn't yet received his/her gift yet, we can't post pictures... But we will when it won't spoil the secret!
Well, back to work. I hope everyone has a great day and stays away from whatever it is that we have!!!