Oh, by the way, ignore their red faces... Levi had a fight with his dump truck (he face-planted into the metal truck while pushing it at high speeds down the hallway) and Jacob has a dry-skin rash. He won't stop licking his lips!!! Just feel the love!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Don't you love it when brothers love each other?
Levi has decided (now that he has a "big boy bed" that is easy to get in and out of) that he loves to sleep with his brother. More often than not, when I go in their bedroom to check on them, Levi has climbed in with his brother Jacob. The practical side of me thinks "Pick Levi up and put him back in his bed, they will both sleep better..." But the tender heart side of me is just so happy that they are happy to be close to each other. And when they share a bed, no one comes in to get me up in the middle of the night because they've had a bad dream.

Oh, by the way, ignore their red faces... Levi had a fight with his dump truck (he face-planted into the metal truck while pushing it at high speeds down the hallway) and Jacob has a dry-skin rash. He won't stop licking his lips!!! Just feel the love!
Oh, by the way, ignore their red faces... Levi had a fight with his dump truck (he face-planted into the metal truck while pushing it at high speeds down the hallway) and Jacob has a dry-skin rash. He won't stop licking his lips!!! Just feel the love!
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So very very sweet! I would keep them in the same bed, anything to let me sleep more!
Very sweet! There is nothing better that brotherly love!
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