I Love This Boy!
There are times where I think that the reason Heavenly Father has blessed him with those trips to the emergency room is to remind me how much I love him... because there are times that I am ready to give him away! He's a busy, curious, talkative, loving, sweet little man, whos curiosity and busy-ness and affinity for the sweet things in life and talkative-ness (and willingness to repeat way more than he should!) gets him into trouble. Oh, but how we love our little men!
As for the story behind this latest accident...
The last Sunday in January, I was released as our ward's Relief Society president. (In my own warped way of thinking this really has something to do with it, I promise!) I remember when I was set apart for this calling almost 2 1/2 years ago, I was blessed that my family would be kept safe while I served in this capacity. Yes, I know, Jacob fell from the bonus room while I was president, but the fact that he even survived makes me feel that the blessing still was in effect! Anyway, after church, I had one last appointment that I had set up before my release. So I return home from that visit at 5:00 pm, thinking, "Well, I'm done. Time for a break." My boys were obviously thinking something else, because at 5:25 pm, they came sliding down the stairs on and in their sleeping bags, the 4 oldest all together (in my defense, that is definately against the rules!), and Jacob got rolled over on the way down. Pop goes the collarbone. I guess I no longer qualify for that blessing of protection anymore... But did it have happen so soon afterwards???
Is he all better now? Oh the challenge of life....if it isn't one thing...it is a thousand more!
Don't give Jake away... I like to hear Chads jokes too much about him with all his dare devilness, and he is pretty cute too.
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