Friday, February 13, 2009

I know I shouldn't let him do this, but...

the kid is so skinny, and the doctor always gives me a hard time about how he's in the 10th (or lower) percentile, and if he's still hungry, then let him eat...
I come in the kitchen after chasing the boys around trying to get stuff organized for tomorrow's school day, and I was just hoping that Levi wasn't up on the counter trying to pet the fish again (that's why he's all wet!). Well, he wasn't playing with the fish, he was finishing off dinner out of the skillet. The kid just can't stop climbing, and nothing left out is safe!


Coleen said...

He is so could you even be upset.....besides you are just following doctor's orders. One of these days he will be 6 foot and weight 200 pounds!

Jeni said...

Seriously though, who could say no to that face? The twins and Bennett have been the same way (skin and bones). When I was really worried about it my ped said, "some kids just come from the factory this way." I wish I came from the factory that way!