Tuesday, November 25, 2008

What happened to all the food?

There are times where I wonder "Where have all the snacks gone?" I mean, I usually try to control snack time to a very short period of time right after school, then I start fixing dinner. But any time I try to do something where I can't keep an eye on the kitchen, it seems that I eventually open the pantry door to this:
At least it was just the craisins this time. The cookies are safe (for the moment, anyway... I haven't checked on the pantry in the last 4 minutes or so...)


Nikki said...

That is my house! I can't even put things up high anymore, because Porter just climbs. Rotten kids.

Coleen said...

Hey what cute guys you have! I love the pictures...they are worth a thousand words!

Jeni said...

I hear ya. There was a day when the costco packs of snacks would last us a month - now that they can reach it themselves we are lucky to make it a week!