Ok, I know that I should be better at keeping our blog updated, but sometimes life pulls at you from 100 different directions and something's gotta give. And since kids can't go to school naked, it couldn't be the laundry... (although I tried to let it go - and now, after 3 days of washing, I only have 10 batches to go..) Anyway, life is good. Quick update: we were all sick, then some of us got well, some of us got pneumonia, some of us got grumpy, and some of us are just starting to feel like we can make it through a whole day without a nap. Some of us got into fights at school (in his defense, he was provoked by a bully and his dad is secretly proud of him because he was defending a friend), some of us experienced our first debate tournament, and some of us are reading our first books. Some of us are taking our first steps, and some of us are potty trained.

Some of the fun things that happened are that we bought a tv and couch for the basement and even painted down there!

And because the TV doesn't take an antenna (which has been our sole form of tv reception for the past 10 years), we got a satellite dish. (Wow, there is a lot of crap out there.)

We are very excited that it hasn't snowed this week - for the first time in months! (If you click on the picture, you can see that Caeden and Jacob are standing IN THE SNOW - IN APRIL!)
Jordan turned 11 and is now in the 11 year old scout program with his dad.
We took Jordan and a few friends bowling for his birthday party, then we came back home for pizza and cake - the cake is a blue bowling ball, in case you were wondering what Jordan is blowing at... We had the pinewood derby just before Jordan's birthday, and his car never came in less than 2nd place, so he got a trophy this year - yay Jordan!
So that's a quick update. Life is good. Busy, but good. And I will try to be better at keeping y'all updated on what goes on in our crazy home!
I LOVE the paint in your basement!!! And your couch looks great in it too! I am excited to send you the Band of Brothers and see how it looks on your wall. And why is it that just about every picture I see of Jake, he never has pants on?!
I love your blog! It is so much fun to see the family grow up. Your couch is great!
Jacob never has pants on in pictures because he never has pants on. He undresses everytime he uses the potty, and the pants just never seem to get back on. I try, really I do (he's usually dressed when we leave the house, and we always put pants on when we get dressed in the morning), but you've got to pick your battles... And I'll point it out just in case no one notices. His shirt is on backwards, too. I love the boy, but he changes his clothes more than a girl!
I am jealous of your basement, and that couch looks so comfy. I went to that church on the east hill in Kent for seminary 1 year. I was in Jr. High when you lived there though- but that is stull pretty cool. I love it there and would love to go back! You are such a good sport with all those boys! Keep in touch! P.S. You're tagged, see my blog!
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