Saturday, May 17, 2008

I've been tagged!

Natalie tagged me, so here are the rules:
List 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsessions/collections, 3 random surprising facts about yourself. Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Well, it's taken me a while to get around to this (it's that "busy" thing again...), so, here we go!

3 Joys: 1. My heart melts when my boys give me loves out of nowhere. Jacob is especially good at this. 2. I love watching Levi learn how to walk. (Watch for a video coming soon!) I've loved it with all my boys, and Levi is just starting. It is just so much fun when they get so excited that they fall over, then they realize that they're doing something great and they laugh, hop back up, and try again. 3. And I love it when someone expresses true appreciation - not just the "thanks for all that you do" generic stuff. Like, when they really mean it, they're not just trying to be polite. Not that polite people bug me. They're nice and all, but, let's face it, we can tell the difference between someone saying something to be nice and someone really noticing that we've made a difference, and they say so. It just makes me feel really good to know that my life has a little meaning or value to someone else once in a while.
3 Fears: 1. The thought of my children getting hurt without me being able to do anything about it haunts my nightmares. I actually have had panic attacks when I am out on a date with my husband and I think of my baby, falling head first in the toilet and struggling to get out, no one there to save him, feeling betrayed by his mom because I wasn't there to help him and make it all better, then drowning, and it's all I can do to tell myself I'm being irrational and to not go home and check to make sure all the bathroom doors are closed. It's not pretty, but it's true. 2. What the world is becoming scares me too. Although I am more worried about the morality of society than the economics. My husband worries about the economics enough for the both of us. There is only so much I can do, and I hope my home will always be a safehaven for the values that can bring us peace. 3. I'm afraid of drunk people. I have just seen too many people all happy and drunk then all of a sudden they turn into a mean, angry drunk. It scares me. Especially when they are behind the wheel. I don't want to be hit and killed by a drunk driver (another fear).I remember when I learned why alcoholic drinks are called "Spirits." Back in the "olden days," people believed that when you were drunk, you were posessed by spirits, so that's how alcohol got that nickname. Which reminds me, I'm afraid of ghosts, too. So if you die and want to come back and give me a message, leave me a note. I'll be afraid of you too.
3 Goals: 1. To one day be on top of the housework. 2. To run. I'm starting small. Maybe next year's stake 5K fun run. In my dreams, I'd like to do a sprint triathelon. The goal is to get up early enough before my husband goes to work and run, maybe get up to a few miles by the end of the summer. We'll see... 3. I'd like to play my flute in an orchestra one day. Right now I'm just trying to not totally lose all of my talent, but I hope to be able to carve out a little more time for that when all of my boys are in school.
3 Current obsessions/collections: 1. I HAD to finish the Twilight series (by Stephenie Meyer, if you're interested) this week. Sadly, the house went to pot as I finished New Moon and Eclipse this week. And it leaves me thinking, there has to be more. After all, Jacob can't just run East forever, Bella and Edward have got some big things coming up, and will she ever become a vampire herself? And what about the Volturi? You've gotta know they'll be back! Good books for anyone who wants a good read. If you can get over the fact that Bella really is so very young for this kind of adventure... And is it really ok that Edward spends so much time in her bedroom, even if "nothing happens?" Yup, I'm sure that I dreamed about vampires last night. 2. I'm really trying to get my house in order. I don't know if it will ever really happen, but I'd love to finish a few projects and maybe even put a few pictures up. It's a daily, (and at the rate I'm going, a lifelong) obsession. 3. Can I count my boys as a collection? I collect baby boys. I can honestly say that if we happened to get pregnant again, I would love another boy. It's just who we are.
3 random, surprising facts about myself: 1. People think I have it all together. I'm surprised by that. I think it's this calling. They associate Relief Society Pres with someone who has it all together. So, let me surprise people by saying I'm not that kind of person. I just try really hard to get a few things done every now and then and hope that I'm doing some good. 2. I'm a certified BeerMaster. I worked for an Anheiser Busch distributor a while back and had to take the course. I'm probably the only BeerMaster who's never tasted the product. 3. I'm an organization freak. I don't feel like I've got it all together unless I'm organized. The projects don't have to be finished, just organized. I actually sleep better in a clean room. I honestly think it's an obsessive/compulsive gene we kids go from our dad. Strange, but true.
Ok, now that that's done, I can go back to balancing the checkbook. I'd tag 5 other people, but I don't know of that many people who read my blog that blog themselves. So, I'll just leave it up to you. If you want to do this, then "TAG - YOU'RE IT!"
Have a great day, y'all, and I hope to post again soon...


ncrigtrup said...

I LOVE IT!!!! It is so much fun learning about my daughter whom I thought I knew so well!!!!

Julie Sacks said...

I understand where you got the cleaning/organizing thing from because I have it to, but why are you so afraid of everything?! PS, I got your band of brothers thing done and it looks really cute! Let me know what you want for the Dino cave thing and I will get this thing in the mail!

Robb said...

Hi Christie,
I highly recommend that you add to your goals that you go to the swimming pool more often. We just got back and it was so much fun.