Saturday, August 9, 2008

Meet Senator Hall!

These first few weeks of school have been busy! We do so much homework!!! We have to track reading minutes, physical activity minutes, music practice, and homework, then send the logs in to the teachers to get credit. On top of all the fun learning we are doing, Jordan decided to run for "B-Track President!" He made it past the primaries, and came in second in the run-off on Friday, which means he is the b track senator. He was a little bummed not to have won, but is excited to be a part of the student council. I'm thinking, it's not bad for a first run at office. And I'm really happy to not have to make any more posters or help him with his speeches... Now he gets to go to meetings and feel important... I'm glad that my kids want to be involved. I surely wasn't that kind of kid!


Coleen said...

Way to go JORDAN!!!! I am so proud of you. This old grandma was once on the student council many years was fun!!!

Julie Sacks said...

Square ft gardens are the best. This was my first time to grow anything and it was so easy! Also, I need to send you a pic of Cohen's one year old pic, he fits right in with your twins, Levi and Caeden!