Monday, November 30, 2009

Snowball fight!

Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!

Gotta do at least one jibjab at Christmas time!
Besides, can't you see my boys doing this in real life?

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Jacob tries his hand at hairstyling

Sweet Jacob must have been duly impressed with his last haircutting experience, because he decided to try his hand at the haircutting profession. Thankfully (this is the month to be thankful, right?), he practiced his skills on himself. I'm also thankful to have a boy, because what would I do if a daughter did this to herself???

Jacob's handiwork:

Mom trying to "even it out":

Jacob was actually happy with the end result:

Levi wanted to shave his head, too, at first:

But then decided that he was happy with having hair after all:

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween pictures

I just thought I'd post these while the sugar rush keeps me going...
We had a fun Halloween! We waited until Halloween to carve the pumpkins (yeh, we meant to do that... it was the plan all along...) Jordan used the natural scarring on his pumpkin to make it look as though his pumpkin had a scar through his eye. Zachary made his pumpkin's eyes a little lopsided to make it look as though it was a little "mentally unstable." And, yes, the pumpkin is intentionally "drooling." Caeden wanted to be a little creative, so he tried to follow a pattern of a skull. It turned out really neat - especially with the light on inside!
Aaron took the kids out trick or treating while I stuck around here and handed out candy.
Jordan was a body builder,
Zach a zombie surgeon,
Caeden was a dark ghoul (sorry, you've got to look up top to see him - he was too fast getting out the door for his individual portrait),
Jacob a dinosaur,
and Levi an elephant.
Aaron commented that Levi got his mom's sugar loving genes...
We picked up lollipop sticks all night long!

After all was said and done, everyone brought in a pretty good haul of candy; and after such a busy day, ending with a good tooth brushing, the boys slept really well last night! Hope you had a great day, too!